Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Dragon Fruit have not been known, and cultivated in Indonesia. Plants with red fruit and green scaly skin is one of the promising business opportunities.The fruit of the country Mexico, Central America and North America and has now spread worldwide, but in its development, dragon fruit has been developed on a large scale in several countries, especially Asian countries Vietnam and Thailand.

Enter the dragon fruit and is known in Indonesia in 2000, and not from cultivated plants but imports from Thailand is relatively easy to develop in the tropics such as Indonesia.
In general, dragon fruit contains high moisture content of about 90% of the weight of the fruit, but it is rich in potassium, protein, fiber, sodium, and calcium is good for health.

Savor the dragon fruit for human health
 - Balancing blood sugar levels
 - Prevention of colon cancer
 - Reduce cholesterol
 - Treat complaints of vaginal discharge
 - Prevention of bleeding
 - Adding blood

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