Sunday, November 6, 2011

Properties of Starfruit


Starfruit with the Latin name Averrhoa bilimbi is a plant that has a sour fruit that is rich properties. Starfruit thought to have come from the islands of Maluku and now spread across most of continental Asia.

The fruit is used as a spice in cooking but can also be used for traditional medicine. Besides the fruit, stems and leaves can be used as a mixture of drugs. Because there are chemical substances contained  sponin, tannins formic acid, calcium oxalate, but it can also leatherback to redden your lips are slightly brown
Here are some examples of starfruit ingredients:

Acne medication

-  Starfruit fruit is washed, crushed and then applied to the skin with acne face to face first clear earlier.

Drugs sprue
- You can chew some starfruit, but if you have stomach problems should not be consumed no more than 3 seeds

Pain medications cavities
- 5 starfruit fruit, eat it with salt, place chew cavities

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